Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Human Interactivity and Language Lab, University of Warsaw, and IEEE Robotics and Automation Society we have the pleasure to invite you to
4th Summer School on Social Human-Robot Interaction
September 18-23, 2023, Chęciny, Poland
Application deadline: 5th May 2023
We will approach the problem of HRI from an ecological and interactive perspective. This means we will be sensitive to what information is present and effective for the human interactants with artificial systems and vice versa, and treat artificial systems chiefly as modulators of our human-human relations.
We encourage applications from PhD students, MA students and young researchers from linguistics, psychology, philosophy, AI, robotics, anthropology, ethnography, communication sciences, semiotics, cognitive science, etc. We plan robot-programming workshops with the best robot designers in the EU, as well as workshops on qualitative and quantitative interaction analyses with experts in conversational analysis and dynamical time-series analysis – both kinds of workshops will be adapted to the relative skills of the Participants.
We feel that in order to understand the demands of this fast-growing field, we need to rely on expertise from multiple sciences. This will be the spirit of the Summer School: to tackle the problems together and develop a common language. Please forward the ad to whomever you think might be interested and might wish to offer their helpful perspectives. The application deadline is close: May 5th!
Speakers and Tutors
Tony Belpaeme (Ghent University)
Marine Chamoux (Aldebaran part of United Robotics Group)
Kerstin Fischer (University of Southern Denmark)
Tom Froese (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology)
Hatice Gunes (University of Cambridge)
Judith Holler (Radboud University and Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics)
Emile Kroeger (United Robotics Group)
Roger Moore (Sheffield University)
Iris Nomikou (Portsmouth University)
Hannah Pelikan (University of Linköping)
Ekaterina Sangati (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology)
Alessandra Sciutti (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia)
David Schlangen (University of Potsdam)
Gabriel Skantze (KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Furhat Robotics)
Michael Spranger (SONY Japan)
Serge Thill (Radboud University)
We invite you to 5 days of intense learning: Keynote lectures in the morning, followed by hands-on workshops, discussion panels and social activities in the evenings. The School aims at reframing some of the key questions in HRI, which are pertinent both to social and to general robotics.
And on our social media: Twitter, Facebook
On Behalf of the Scientific Board and Organizers,
Prof. Joanna Rączaszek-Leonardi, University of Warsaw
Dr. Serge Thill, Radboud University
Prof. Angelo Cangelosi, University of Manchester
The Summer School is organized under the auspices of two IEEE RAS Technical Committees (Cognitive Robotics TC and Human-Robot Interaction TC) and is co-financed by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 TRAINCREASE project (No 952324), EU H2020 PERSEO (No 955778), and IEEE RAS Summer Schools programme.
Local organizers: Human Interactivity and Language Lab, University of Warsaw. Feel free to spread the word about our school!